
Download lockbox for windows 10
Download lockbox for windows 10

download lockbox for windows 10

Also, it too requires a password when you try to uninstall it, making things more secure. Like My Lockbox, you can lock the folders, where a software is installed to block access to it from any shortcut.

download lockbox for windows 10

That’s because the software lets you lock apps too. We have already talked about Folder Guard in detail while listing ways to password protect folders in Windows 10 but it deserves a mention here as well. Other App Locker Software for Windows 10 1. Here are some of the best ones out there other than My Lockbox: My Lockbox is available in a free version but sadly, it’s fairly limited, as you can only lock one folder. To get the ability to lock unlimited folders, you will have to buy the full version ( $29.95). While My Lockbox works pretty well, you can try other cool app locker software too. Moreover, the software requires the password even when you are trying to uninstall it, which is pretty handy.

download lockbox for windows 10

You will need to enter the password to open the My Lockbox app, so not every one will be able to access it. To unlock an app, you can head over to My Lockbox control panel and hit the “Unlock button”.

Download lockbox for windows 10